25 January 2012

Today's the day!

The halfway point, that is. A year ago today I was arriving in Virginia in the cold, getting situated for training and still reeling from too many goodbyes (you can read the post from last year). Today I am on the back side of 365 days, 4 different homes, 14 plane flights, 5 new countries, 1 new language, about 15,000 photos, and many dozens of new friends. Whew!

Last night we returned home after two weeks of working retreats and meetings with colleagues and our extended team in Chile. When mentioning to someone that we were at the halfway point, someone asked if hadn't it flown by. I laughed. Yes it has...and then no it hasn't. It is hard to believe that a year has already gone by and only a year remains. But at the same time, when I think of ALL that happened, I think "could that all possibly have happened in just a year?!" My word! When you condense it all down it seems like a pretty productive year, but in many ways I feel like I am just now getting started with the work, and there is still so much I want to do before time expires.

While I am thrilled to be done with the weeks of meetings, I am also very thankful for the opportunity to attend and for the fresh wind I feel like I caught from the time of rest and refocusing. The last month or so I have felt somewhat frustrated with work, creatively stagnated, and lacking a clear direction. I guess in the daily drudges I had lost some focus and inspiration. But it was great to meet and discuss ideas, stories, and projects and be reminded of our aim:

 "Our vision is a multitude of disciples among all peoples of the Americas
 equipped to fulfill the Great Commission to the ends of the earth."

It's a big vision and I'm one tiny person, but I have a part to play, as do you. I am excited about the potential of this second year and also reminded that it is as important as ever to focus on making the most out of the time we have. Odds are I won't be living in Lima, Peru again in my lifetime and I don't want to leave it with any regrets about how I used my time and what I invested in while I was here. You may not live in a foreign country, you may assume that a year from now your life will look very much as it does right now. But the truth is we each have to make the most out of the time where we are. You can't get it back. So go ahead and do what you can, with what you have, where you are.

So with that said, halftime is over, let's get the second half started!

(I really wish I could do a first year recap of my favorite photos, but let's be realistic. I'm not that organized! Sorry. So instead, here are a few favorites from our recent time in Santiago and Olmué, Chile.)

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